QCan you sell yourself in two minutes?Go for it.(ӃƼ?!)
AWith my qualifications and experience I feel I am hardworkingresponsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization couldbenefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(ҵʸ;飬ҾҶµÿһĿŬ㡣ҵķദļɣԹλмֵ)
QGive me a summary of your current job description. (ĿǰĹܷ˵)
AI have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To bespecific I do system analysis trouble shooting and provide softwaresupport. (ҸĵԳԱ˵ϵͳԼӦ֧֡)
QWhy did you leave your last job?(Ϊʲôְ?)
AWell I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunityknocks I will take it.(ϣܻһݸõĹ٣һץס)
AI feel I have reached the "glass ceiling" in my current job. / I feelthere is no opportunity for advancement.(ҾĿǰĹѾﵽ壬]Ǩᡣ)
QHow do you rate yourself as a professional?(ԼλרҵԱ?)
AWith my strong academic background I am capable and competent. (ƾõѧҿʤԼĹΪԼо)
AWith my teaching experience I am confident that I can relate to studentsvery well. (ҵĽѧ飬ѧദĺܺá)
QWhat contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?
AI have finished three new projects and I am sure I can apply myexperience to this position. (ѾĿܽҵľݹϡ)
QWhat do you think you are worth to us?(ôΪмֵ?)
AI feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in thefuture. (ҾҶԹ˾ЩԵĹס)
QWhat make you think you would be a success in this position?(֪ʤݹ?)
AMy graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify mefor this particular job. I am sure I will be successful. (оѵʵϰʹʺݹܳɹ)
QAre you a multi-tasked individual?(һλͬʱе?)or
Do you work well under stress or pressure?(ܹܳϵѹ?)
AYes I think so.
AThe trait is needed in my current(or previous) position and I know I canhandle it well. (صĿǰ(ǰ)Ҫģ֪Ӧ硣)
QWhat is your strongest trait(s)?(صʲô?)
QCan you sell yourself in two minutes?Go for it.(ӃƼ?!)
AWith my qualifications and experience I feel I am hardworkingresponsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization couldbenefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(ҵʸ;飬ҾҶµÿһĿŬ㡣ҵķദļɣԹλмֵ)
QGive me a summary of your current job description. (ĿǰĹܷ˵)
AI have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To bespecific I do system analysis trouble shooting and provide softwaresupport. (ҸĵԳԱ˵ϵͳԼӦ֧֡)
QWhy did you leave your last job?(Ϊʲôְ?)
AWell I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunityknocks I will take it.(ϣܻһݸõĹ٣һץס)
AI feel I have reached the "glass ceiling" in my current job. / I feelthere is no opportunity for advancement.(ҾĿǰĹѾﵽ壬]Ǩᡣ)
QHow do you rate yourself as a professional?(ԼλרҵԱ?)
AWith my strong academic background I am capable and competent. (ƾõѧҿʤԼĹΪԼо)
AWith my teaching experience I am confident that I can relate to studentsvery well. (ҵĽѧ飬ѧദĺܺá)
QWhat contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?
AI have finished three new projects and I am sure I can apply myexperience to this position. (ѾĿܽҵľݹϡ)
QWhat do you think you are worth to us?(ôΪмֵ?)
AI feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in thefuture. (ҾҶԹ˾ЩԵĹס)
QWhat make you think you would be a success in this position?(֪ʤݹ?)
AMy graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify mefor this particular job. I am sure I will be successful. (оѵʵϰʹʺݹܳɹ)
QAre you a multi-tasked individual?(һλͬʱе?)or
Do you work well under stress or pressure?(ܹܳϵѹ?)
AYes I think so.
AThe trait is needed in my current(or previous) position and I know I canhandle it well. (صĿǰ(ǰ)Ҫģ֪Ӧ硣)
QWhat is your strongest trait(s)?(صʲô?)
QCan you sell yourself in two minutes?Go for it.(ӃƼ?!)
AWith my qualifications and experience I feel I am hardworkingresponsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization couldbenefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(ҵʸ;飬ҾҶµÿһĿŬ㡣ҵķദļɣԹλмֵ)
QGive me a summary of your current job description. (ĿǰĹܷ˵)
AI have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To bespecific I do system analysis trouble shooting and provide softwaresupport. (ҸĵԳԱ˵ϵͳԼӦ֧֡)
QWhy did you leave your last job?(Ϊʲôְ?)
AWell I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunityknocks I will take it.(ϣܻһݸõĹ٣һץס)
AI feel I have reached the "glass ceiling" in my current job. / I feelthere is no opportunity for advancement.(ҾĿǰĹѾﵽ壬]Ǩᡣ)
QHow do you rate yourself as a professional?(ԼλרҵԱ?)
AWith my strong academic background I am capable and competent. (ƾõѧҿʤԼĹΪԼо)
AWith my teaching experience I am confident that I can relate to studentsvery well. (ҵĽѧ飬ѧദĺܺá)
QWhat contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?
AI have finished three new projects and I am sure I can apply myexperience to this position. (ѾĿܽҵľݹϡ)
QWhat do you think you are worth to us?(ôΪмֵ?)
AI feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in thefuture. (ҾҶԹ˾ЩԵĹס)
QWhat make you think you would be a success in this position?(֪ʤݹ?)
AMy graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify mefor this particular job. I am sure I will be successful. (оѵʵϰʹʺݹܳɹ)
QAre you a multi-tasked individual?(һλͬʱе?)or
Do you work well under stress or pressure?(ܹܳϵѹ?)
AYes I think so.
AThe trait is needed in my current(or previous) position and I know I canhandle it well. (صĿǰ(ǰ)Ҫģ֪Ӧ硣)
QWhat is your strongest trait(s)?(صʲô?)
AHelpfulness and caring.(˺ˡ)
AAdaptability and sense of humor.(ӦĬС)
ACheerfulness and friendliness.(ֹۺѰ)
QHow would your friends or colleagues describe you?(ѻͬ?)
A(pause a few seconds) (Եȼٴ𣬱ʾؿǡ)
They say Mr. Chen is an honest hardworking and responsible man who deeplycares for his family and friends. (˵λʵŬεˣԼͥѶܹġ)
AThey say Mr. Chen is a friendly sensitive caring and determined person.(˵λѺáС˺оĵˡ)
QWhat personality traits do you admire?(Ը?)
A(I admire a person who is)honest flexible and easy-going. (ʵദˡ)
A(I like) people who possess the "can do" spirit. ("ʵж"ˡ)
QWhat leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?(ΪԱʲô쵼?)
AI feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as ateam will be the major goal of my leadership. (ҾѧϰΰǵĻԵԼЭͬŶӾҪĿꡣ)
AI have refined my management style by using an open-door policy. (ԿʽߣĽҵʽ)
QHow do you normally handle criticism?(ͨδe˵?)
ASilence is golden. Just don't say anything; otherwise the situation couldbecome worse. I do however accept constructive criticism. (Ĭǽ𡣲˵ʲô㣬һܽԵ)
AWhen we cool off we will discuss it later. (һȴoۡ)
QWhat do you find frustrating in a work situation?(ڹУʲô㲻?)
ASometimes the narrow-minded people make me frustrated. (ؽխˣʱʹй)
AMinds that are not receptive to new ideas. (ܽ˼Щȡ)
QHow do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work? (δͬڹе?)
AI will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner inorder to get my points across. (ҪԸķʽҵĿʹԷ˽ҵĹ۵㡣)
QHow do you handle your failure?(ԴԼʧ?)
ANone of us was born "perfect". I am sure I will be given a second chanceto correct my mistake.(ǴʮȫʮģеڶҵĴ)
QWhat provide you with a sense of accomplishment.(ʲôгɾ?)
ADoing my best job for your company. (Ϊ˾Ч͡)
AFinishing a project to the best of my ability. (ܣһĿ)
QIf you had a lot of money to donate where would you donate it to?Why?
AI would donate it to the medical research because I want to do somethingto help others. (һҽҩоΪҪΪ¡)
AI prefer to donate it to educational institutions. ()
QWhat is most important in your life right now?(Ҫʲô?)
ATo get a job in my field is most important to me. (˵ҵҪġ)
ATo secure employment hopefully with your company. (ϣڹ˾ְ˵Ҫ)
QWhat current issues concern you the most?(Ŀǰʲôĵ?)
AThe general state of our economy and the impact of China' entry to WTO onour industry. (ĿǰйõrԼйҵӰ졣)
QHow long would you like to stay with this company?(ڱ˾?)
AHelpfulness and caring.(˺ˡ)
AAdaptability and sense of humor.(ӦĬС)
ACheerfulness and friendliness.(ֹۺѰ)
QHow would your friends or colleagues describe you?(ѻͬ?)
A(pause a few seconds) (Եȼٴ𣬱ʾؿǡ)
They say Mr. Chen is an honest hardworking and responsible man who deeplycares for his family and friends. (˵λʵŬεˣԼͥѶܹġ)
AThey say Mr. Chen is a friendly sensitive caring and determined person.(˵λѺáС˺оĵˡ)
QWhat personality traits do you admire?(Ը?)
A(I admire a person who is)honest flexible and easy-going. (ʵദˡ)
A(I like) people who possess the "can do" spirit. ("ʵж"ˡ)
QWhat leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?(ΪԱʲô쵼?)
AI feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as ateam will be the major goal of my leadership. (ҾѧϰΰǵĻԵԼЭͬŶӾҪĿꡣ)
AI have refined my management style by using an open-door policy. (ԿʽߣĽҵʽ)
QHow do you normally handle criticism?(ͨδe˵?)
ASilence is golden. Just don't say anything; otherwise the situation couldbecome worse. I do however accept constructive criticism. (Ĭǽ𡣲˵ʲô㣬һܽԵ)
AWhen we cool off we will discuss it later. (һȴoۡ)
QWhat do you find frustrating in a work situation?(ڹУʲô㲻?)
ASometimes the narrow-minded people make me frustrated. (ؽխˣʱʹй)
AMinds that are not receptive to new ideas. (ܽ˼Щȡ)
QHow do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work? (δͬڹе?)
AI will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner inorder to get my points across. (ҪԸķʽҵĿʹԷ˽ҵĹ۵㡣)
QHow do you handle your failure?(ԴԼʧ?)
ANone of us was born "perfect". I am sure I will be given a second chanceto correct my mistake.(ǴʮȫʮģеڶҵĴ)
QWhat provide you with a sense of accomplishment.(ʲôгɾ?)
ADoing my best job for your company. (Ϊ˾Ч͡)
AFinishing a project to the best of my ability. (ܣһĿ)
QIf you had a lot of money to donate where would you donate it to?Why?
AI would donate it to the medical research because I want to do somethingto help others. (һҽҩоΪҪΪ¡)
AI prefer to donate it to educational institutions. ()